Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thursday's beer from the other side of the world: Efes Turkish Pilsner

The country of Turkey is not renowned as an epicenter of great beer, so it was with some trepidation that we sampled Efes Pilsener. Our wory qulckly dissolved after the first sip.

First off, it is decidedly not a pilsner. With it's sweetish flavor and prominent malt character, Efes more closely resembles a Munich lager. It's also darker than a pils. All in all, it's not a bad beer. I would order this if I saw it in a pub.

So hats off to Efes, the best "beer from the other side of the world" we've talked about so far.

Sisters of Murphy tonight at Monty's Krown

Tonight's the night. Our is playing at 10pm, with the whole thing being sponsored, inexplicably, by

Along with punky-edged pub music, there will be great Spaten beers on special. If you're in Rochester, come down and drink a few from one of the finest breweries in the world.


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